Resources for research students The following material will assist HDR students in planning, conceptualising, structuring and writing their higher degree thesis. The good, the bad, and the necessary to knowGeneral HDR information What you need to consider when planning your thesisPlanning your thesis A useful way to structure your thoughts in the thesis planning stageThe V Planning Template What you need to consider when designing a research questionDesigning a research question A road map to your research proposal and confirmationResearch proposals Getting through that all-important CoC: what does it involve?Confirmation of candidature Varieties of thesis structuresThesis types and structures An argument: A connecting a series of statements intended to establish a conclusionMapping arguments Writing and structuring an Abstract, Structured Abstract or Executive SummaryAbstracts, Structured Abstracts, and Executive Summaries The Introduction and all-important research gapIntroductions and the Research Gap Planning and structuring the literature reviewWriting a Literature review Differences between literature reviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysesSystematic reviews, scoping reviews and meta-analyses An overview of how to write scoping reviews, and systematic reviewsWriting a scoping review or systematic review How to write and structure these important sections of your thesisThe Methodology, Methods and Procedure sections How to write and structure a Results sectionThe Results section Ways of discussing and presenting dataPresenting data Discussing discussion sectionsThe Discussion section What to expect. How to edit and proofread your thesis prior to submission. Getting help. The final stages of the PhD The next step: Everything you wanted to to know about getting publishedAcademic publishing Promoting yourself as an academicPromoting yourself as an academic