Online Study Studying online includes all of the same components you experience on campus. It requires you to hone certain skills related to communicating with university resources, staff and students using electronic systems and media. Get the best out of your studies by managing your time and maximising your interaction with online material. Online Study Strategies Who has access to your details? IM is all about controlling the information available about you online, including your persona in the university environment and on the broader web. Identity Management Speaking with others in the online university setting has its own etiquette. You may also need to use a microphone and speakers or headset. Communication Back up your files in the cloud, change file types, manipulate videos and use basic HTML coding. File Management Read about techniques for getting the best out of online classes and gain understanding of the software you will be using. Virtual Classes Every service that the libraries provide is also available online. Searching, borrowing, reserving books, contacting a librarian, and more. The Library